Monday, September 29, 2008


Today at 1:30 P.M. the U. S. House voted to hurt all Americans. In doing so, the majority of members, supposedly elected to pursue the National interest, rejected the pleas of President, both candidates for President, and the Senate and House leadership of both parties. Whatever happens to the U. S. financial system now -- and it could be dire -- is going tgo be THEIR doing. Their TAINTED GIFT to the American people, who they evidently disdain.

One is tempted to blame especially the House Republicans, who voted 66 to 133 against the Financial Recovery bill; yet what is to be said also of the Democrats, who voted in favor by only 139 to 94 ? How did Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi only manage to win the votes of 60 % of her Democrat caucus ? How did 94 Democrats vote against a bill which can only hurt the little guy struggling to keep his home, or to obtain a small car loan, personal loan, or line of credit ?

The Housde leadership promises to bring the Financial Rescue bill back for a second v0te, on Wednesday: but why should the result be any different ? Those who don't give a damn about you or me on Monday, why are they suddenly going to give a damn on Wednesday ?

The likelihood, rather, is that the following will happen:

1.the Federal Reserve bank, acting in conjuncdtion with Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley -- as well as overseas investors -- will buy up distressed mortgages at the source, taking over entire banks, with now nol oversight, no taxpayer accountability, no limitation on compensation for executives of failing financial institutions.

2.Private pools of investors will buy up other distressed mortgage paper in the open market, at giveaway prices, making themselves huge profits, with no give-backs.

3.John McCain's campaign looks a bit futile. Why elect a maverick, outsider Republican, if the quintessential Republicans (George Bush, Judd Gregg, John Boehner) can't get a vitally important deal done ? Why elect a man who puts Country first when the majority of the U.S. House shows it puts Country last ?

4.Barack Obama, who deserves nothing and has earned nothing, and who wants to vitiate America's strengths and apologize to the workd, can likely now slide coolly and non-committal-ly into the Presidency, whence he can direct huge Federal funds to ultra-lefct, socialist, even criminal enterprises like Acorn,m MoveOn, and Kos.

It is a sad day for America. To think that I have lived to see this. A day as infamous as that back in 1920 when a petulant Senate defeated Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations bill and the Versailles Treaty and thus set world history on a direct line to World War II.

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