Sunday, September 7, 2008


For the past two years "The Mass Mouth" has been hosted by -- a website dedicated to providing news, informaion, and opinion about real estate, finance, economics, and political subjects generally. Now, however, landbrokr is off line, and thus have moved The Mass Mouth" to Blogger, whose hosting I am very grateful for.

As you all recall -- and as my new readers will now learn -- "The Mass Mouth" commented upon all of the above subjects, in a journalistic eye, answering only to my readers. Though my political support currently goes to John McCain -- and has since 2000, and though my preference has almost always been for the Republican party, I also greatly admire Hillary Clinton; I will give kudos to Democrats when I feel they merit it, and I will give criticism to Republicans when I feel that that is what is needed.

In other words, "The Mass Mouth" serves no party. It serves my READERS.

Nor does "The Mass Mouth" publish in the liberal interest or the conservative interest. I do have a bias toward the libertarian, toward free markets, and toward a strong-fisted foreign policy: but any bias is, in fact, biased and often needs to be called out. Thus you will NOT find, at "The Mass Mouth," any of that over the top extremism, or the rude, road-rage-ish incivility that one finds at all too many political blogs.

That said, "The Mass Mouth" will doubtless anger many in the blog-o-sphere. So be it. As I've said, I serve my readers. Hopefully I will entertain you, tweak your thinking, start you thinking about matters you hadn't thought about before. And as always, your comments ad responses are very appreciated.

This is "The Mass Mouth" 's ninth year since our inception as an online newsletter of investment opinion. We continue on, gratefully and excited about our future.

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